Monday, November 16, 2009

Take no thought for tomorrow

“Therefore take no thought, saying, What shall we eat? or, What shall we drink? or, Wherewithal shall we be clothed? (For after all these things do the Gentiles seek)” (Matthew 6:31-32).

Jesus tells us that worry—about the future of our family, about jobs, about how we are to survive—is a heathen’s way of life. Jesus is talking here about those who have no heavenly Father. They do not know God as he wants to be known, as a caring, providing, loving Father in heaven.

“Take no thought for tomorrow” (v. 34). In these plain words, Jesus commands us, “Do not give a thought, do not give a worry, about what might or might not happen tomorrow. You can’t change anything. And you can’t help by worrying. When you do, you’re only doing as the heathen do.” Then Jesus says, “Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you” (v. 33). In other words, you are to go on loving Jesus. You are to move on, casting all your cares on him. You are to go on resting in his faithfulness. Your heavenly Father will see to it that you are supplied with all the essential things of life.

I wonder if the angels are baffled by all the worrying and anxiousness of those who claim to trust in God. To them it must seem so degrading, so insulting to the Lord, that we worry as if we had no caring Father in heaven. What perplexing questions the angels must ask among themselves: “Have they no Father who is in heaven? Do they not believe he loves them? Did he not tell them he knows all about their needs? Do they not believe that he who feeds the birds and the whole animal kingdom will feed and clothe them? How can they fret and worry if they know he owns all power, all wealth, and can supply the needs of all creation? Would they accuse their heavenly Father of neglect, as if he was not true to his word?”

You have a heavenly Father. Trust him!

Friday, August 28, 2009

Rules of the Universe...Fun but true!

Rules of the Universe

1. Never, under any circumstances, take a sleeping pill and a laxative on
the same night.

2. Going to church doesn't make you a Christian anymore than standing in a garage makes you a car.

3. A person, who is nice to you, but rude to the waiter, is not a nice person. (This is very important. Pay attention! It never fails.)

4. For every action, there is an equal and opposite government program.

5. If you look like your passport picture, you probably need the trip.

6. Bills travel through the mail at twice the speed of cheques.

7. Eat well, stay fit, die anyway.

8. No man has ever been shot while doing the dishes.

9. Middle age is when broadness of the mind and narrowness of the waist change places.

10. Junk is something you've kept for years and throw away three weeks before you need it.

11. Thou shalt not weigh more than the refrigerator.

12. It isn't the jeans that make your butt look fat.

13. There is a very fine line between 'hobby' and 'mental illness.'

14. You should not confuse your career with your life.

15. Nobody cares if you can't dance well. Just get up and dance.

16. The most destructive force in the universe is gossip.

17. You will never find anybody who can give you a clear and compelling reason why we observe daylight savings time.

18. You should never say anything to a woman that even remotely suggests that you think she's pregnant unless you can see an actual baby emerging from her at that moment.

19. Your friends love you anyway.

20. Never be afraid to try something new. Remember that a lone amateur built the Ark. A large group of professionals built the Titanic.

21. How old would you be if you didn't know how old you are.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Searching for the Ark of the Covenant

AXUM, Ethiopia -- The Ark of the Covenant was built by Moses to hold the stone tablets of the Ten Commandments -- at the command of God himself.

For centuries in Jerusalem, it was the literal dwelling of the Most High, secreted in the darkness of the Holy of Holies. Then, it disappeared. For more than 2,000 years, the whereabouts of the Ark have been shrouded in mystery, despite countless attempts to track it down. There are many theories as to the whereabouts of the holy relic. Some say it's buried under the Temple Mount and others contend that it was carried to Egypt before being lost to history.

Wherever it may be, the lost Ark of the Covenant has become one of the most sought after Christian relics in history.

Consulting an Expert On a recent trip to Africa, CBN News met with Bob Cornuke, an explorer and founder of the Biblical Archaeology Studies and Exploration Institute.

Cornuke has been investigating a little-known theory about the Ark for over 10 years and agreed to take CBN News on another fact-finding adventure. As a former crime scene investigator in Los Angeles, Cornuke made a name for himself by searching for biblical relics based on the same techniques he used in law enforcement.

Using the Bible as a literal guide, he has traced the route of the Jewish exodus from Egypt, searched for Noah's Ark, and probed the mystery surrounding the true location of Mount Sinai, among other things. One particular theory about the Ark claims that just before the Babylonians invaded Jerusalem in 586 BC, Levitical priests moved the Ark to Egypt to save it from being destroyed. After more than a century there, sequestered on an island in the Nile called "Elephantine Island," it was moved again, all the way up the Nile river to the source of the Blue Nile -- Lake Tana in Ethiopia. On a Remote Island

The belief is that the Ark was hidden on a remote island in the huge lake, where it was cared for by monks in a tent similar to the tabernacle in the wilderness. The monks living on Tana Kirkos Island have not changed their way of life, or worship, for thousands of years. Even today, they dress in animal skins and live a primitive existence farming the small island. They also spend more than three hours a day in prayer. The monks showed CBN News instruments that were said to be brought with the Ark from Solomon's temple. One was a large bowl, or "gomer" that was used to collect the blood from the sacrifice before it was sprinkled on the Ark.

According to the monks, their ancestors safeguarded the Ark on Tana Kirkos for 800 years. In that time, Ethiopia became a Christian nation, and after that, the king retrieved the Ark and took it to Axum, which was at that time the capitol of the kingdom. The city of Axum is a dusty small town that sits in the northern part of Ethiopia. But it was once a thriving center of trade in the ancient world. Ethiopian kings built giant obelisks to mark their graves, which rival the pyramids in engineering genius.

The obelisks are called stelae, and many locals believe these massive monoliths were put into place by the power of the Ark itself. Legend has it that the Ark was taken there in about 400 A.D., and was placed in the Church of Our Lady Mary of Zion.

'The Guardian'
The only man allowed to see the Ark is a monk called "The Guardian," who, once chosen for the job, is never allowed to leave the church enclosure -- about a quarter acre. Cornuke described why someone had never tried to steal the Ark, or at least sneak in to verify it's presence inside the church. "It's like a bunker," he said. "It is made out of cinderblocks, and they tell me that as you go in the front door, there is a corridor that goes to the left. Then there's a corridor that makes a sharp right turn, then another sharp right turn coming back to where they claim is the Ark of the Covenant, sitting in a big stone sarcophagus box with a silver inlaid ornate sleeve."
Cornuke said if the Ark had ever tried to be stolen, it could not make the corners in the tight hallways.

"So people say, 'Why doesn't somebody go in and get it?' It would be pretty hard to bring it out because they actually built the building around this object that they call the Ark of the Covenant," he added. CBN News arrived in Axum on the holiest day on the Ethiopian Orthodox calendar -- the festival of Timkat. It is a day when tens of thousands of the faithful make a pilgrimage to Axum, and a replica of the Ark is brought out of this church and paraded through the streets of the city.

The people sing and dance before the procession, and the party lasts all night long. Timkat is like Easter and Christmas all wrapped into one. It is their festival of the Epiphany and their most important holiday on the Ethiopian Orthodox calendar.

Old Testament-Style Worship
Women crowd into the city and spend all night worshipping, singing songs and praying. The women bowed and ululated by candlelight, and there was no doubt it was a privilege to be able to experience such a special occasion. The next morning these revelers continued the celebration with songs and dances that haven't changed in a millennia. It was a fascinating look into Old Testament-style worship that can't be found anywhere else in the world. At the end of the day, there was no way to know for certain if the story was true or not. But one thing is for sure: there is no doubt whatsoever in the minds of Ethiopian Christians -- they have the Ark of the Covenant, and they really don't care if the rest of the world believes it or not. Cornuke thought a moment before explaining what he thought of the theory.

"Well, we don't know where the Ark is," he admitted. "There are many tantalizing theories as to where the Ark could be primarily because it just disappeared in history, it just fell off the map."

Saturday, July 25, 2009


Busca el día de tu cumpleaños y encuentra tu árbol... una vez localizado busca abajo la explicación sobre el mismo. Es interesante y de alguna manera preciso, además de ser parte de la astrología Celta.

Diciembre 23 a Enero 01 - Manzano
Enero 2 a 11 - Abeto
Enero 12 a 24 - Olmo
Enero 25 a Febrero 03 - Ciprés
Febrero 4 a 8 – Álamo
Febrero 9 a 18 - Cedro
Febrero 19 a 28 - Pino
Marzo 1 a 10 - Sauce Llorón
Marzo 11 a 20 - Árbol de Limas
Marzo 21 - Roble
Marzo 22 a 31 - Avellano
Abril 1 a 10 - Árbol Rowan
Abril 11 a 20 - Arce
Abril 21 a 30 - Nogal
Mayo 1 a 14 – Álamo
Mayo 15 a 24 - Castaño
Mayo 25 a Junio 03 - Árbol de Cenizas
Junio 4 a 13 - Árbol Hornbeam
Junio 14 a 23 - Higuera
Junio 24 - Abedul
Junio 25 a 04 - Manzano
Julio 5 a 14 - Abeto
Julio 15 a 25 - Olmo
Julio 26 a Agosto 04 - Ciprés
Agosto 5 a 13 - Álamo
Agosto 14 a 23 - Cedro
Agosto 24 a Septiembre 2 - Pino
Septiembre 3 a 12 - Sauce Llorón
Septiembre 13 a 22 - Árbol de Limas
Septiembre 23 - Olivo
Septiembre 24 a Octubre 03 - Avellano
Octubre 4 a 13 - Árbol Rowan
Octubre 14 a 23 - Arce
Octubre 24 a Noviembre 11 – Nogal
Noviembre 12 a 21 – Castaño
Noviembre 22 a Diciembre 1 - Árbol de Cenizas
Diciembre 2 a 11 - Árbol Hornbeam
Diciembre 12 a 21 - Higuera
Diciembre 22 - Haya

ÁLAMO (la Incertidumbre). Es una persona con un alto sentido de la estética, no muy segura de sí misma, valiente sólo si es necesario, necesita rodearse de un ambiente agradable, es muy selectiva, a veces solitaria, muy entusiasta, de naturaleza artística, buena organizadora, intenta aprender a través de la filosofía, confiable en cualquier situación, asume las relaciones muy seriamente.

ABEDUL (la Inspiración). Una persona vivaz, atractiva, elegante, amistosa, no pretenciosa, modesta, no le gustan los excesos, aborrece lo vulgar, ama la vida en la naturaleza y la calma, no muy apasionada, llena de imaginación, un poco ambiciosa, crea una atmósfera de calma y satisfacción.

ABETO (el Misterio). Es una persona de extraordinario buen gusto, dignidad, sofisticada, ama la belleza, temperamental, testaruda, tiende al egoísmo pero se preocupa por quienes están cerca, más bien modesta, muy ambiciosa, de muchos talentos, industriosa, amante insatisfecha, de muchos amigos y enemigos, muy confiable.

ARCE (la Mente Abierta). Una persona fuera de lo común, llena de imaginación y originalidad, tímida y reservada, ambiciosa, orgullosa, segura de sí misma, con sed de nuevas experiencias, algunas veces nerviosa, tiene muchas complejidades, buena memoria, aprende rápidamente, con una vida amorosa complicada, le gusta impresionar. Debes buscar tener una relación seria que te llene tu vida, eso te haría feliz.

AVELLANO (lo Extraordinario). Es una persona encantadora, no pide nada, muy comprensiva, sabe como impresionar a la gente, segura, mente abierta, positivista, activa en la lucha de causas sociales, popular, temperamental y amante caprichoso, sensual y excesivamente apasionado, bello, sensible, honesto y compañero tolerante, con un sentido de la justicia muy preciso.

CASTAÑO (la Honestidad). De belleza inusual, no desea impresionar, con un desarrollado sentido de la justicia, vivaz, es una persona interesada, diplomática de nacimiento, sin embargo se irrita fácilmente y es muy sensible en compañía, muchas veces por falta de seguridad en sí misma, a veces actúa con sentido de superioridad, se siente incomprendida, ama una sola vez, tiene dificultades para encontrar pareja.

ÁRBOL DE CENIZAS (la Ambición). Es una persona excepcionalmente atractiva, vivaz, impulsiva, exigente, no le importan las críticas, ambiciosa, inteligente, llena de talentos, le gusta jugar con el destino, puede ser egoísta, muy fiable y digna de confianza, amante fiel y prudente, algunas veces el cerebro control al corazón, pero asume sus relaciones muy seriamente.

HAYA (la Creatividad). Tiene buen gusto, le preocupan las apariencias, materialista, organiza bien su vida y su carrera, es una persona ahorrativa, buen líder, no toma riesgos innecesarios, razonable, espléndida compañera de vida, gusta de mantener la línea (dieta, deportes, etc.)

ÁRBOL HORNBEAM (el Buen Gusto). De una belleza muy fresca, se preocupa por su apariencia y su condición económica, de buen gusto, no es egoísta, vive de la forma más cómoda posible de manera razonable y disciplinada, busca bondad y conocimiento en una pareja emotiva, sueña con amantes inusuales, a menudo es feliz con sus sentimientos, desconfía de la mayoría de las personas, nunca está segura de sus decisiones, muy concienzuda.

ÁRBOL DE LIMAS (la Duda). Acepta lo que la vida le da de una manera muy compleja, odia pelear, el estrés y el trabajo, pero le disgusta la pereza y la ociosidad, es suave y sabe ceder, hace sacrificios por los amigos, de mucho talento pero no suficientemente tenaz para explotarlos, se lamenta y se queja a menudo, es una persona muy celosa pero leal.

MANZANO (el Amor). De contextura liviana, mucho carisma, es una persona llamativa y atractiva, de un aura agradable, coqueta, aventurera, sensible, siempre enamorada, quiere amar y ser amada, compañera fiel y tierna, muy generosa, de talentos científicos, vive el día a día, filósofa despreocupada con imaginación. Totalmente despistada.

OLMO (la Mentalidad Noble). De figura agradable, buen gusto en el vestir, de exigencias modestas, tiende a no olvidar los errores, alegre, le gusta mandar pero no obedecer, es una pareja honesta y fiel, le gusta tomar decisiones por los demás, de mentalidad noble, generosa, con buen sentido del humor, práctica.

ÁRBOL ROWAN (la Sensibilidad). Llena de encantos, alegre, da sin expectativas, le gusta llamar la atención, ama la vida, las emociones, no descansa, e incluso gusta de las complicaciones, es tanto dependiente como independiente, tiene buen gusto, es una persona artística, apasionada, emocional, buena compañía, no olvida.

CEDRO (la Confianza). De una belleza extraña, sabe adaptarse, gusta del lujo, de buena salud, es una persona para nada tímida, tiende a ver de menos a la demás gente, segura de sí, con determinación, impaciente, le gusta impresionar a los demás, de muchos talentos, industriosa, saludablemente optimista, en espera el único y verdadero amor, capaz de tomar decisiones rápidamente.

CIPRÉS (la Fidelidad). Fuerte, muscular, adaptable, toma lo que la vida tiene para darle, es una persona satisfecha, optimista, ansía el dinero y el reconocimiento, odia la soledad, es una pareja apasionada, entregada y siempre insatisfecha, fiel, no se altera fácilmente, indócil, un poco pedante y totalmente desinteresada.

NOGAL (la Pasión). Implacable, es una persona extraña y llena de contrastes, a menudo egoísta, agresiva, noble, de horizontes amplios, de reacciones inesperadas, espontánea, de ambición sin límites, nada flexible, es una pareja difícil y poco común, no siempre agrada pero se le admira, con un ingenio estratégico, muy celosa y apasionada, no se compromete.

OLIVO (la Sabiduría). Ama el sol, de sentimientos cálidos y tiernos, razonable, es una persona equilibrada, evita la agresión y la violencia, tolerante, alegre, calma, un sentido bien desarrollado de la justicia, sensible, empática, no conoce los celos, le encanta leer y la compañía de personas sofisticadas.

PINO (lo Particular). Le encanta la compañía agradable, es una persona muy robusta, sabe hacer de su vida algo confortable, muy activa, natural, buena compañía pero no siempre amistosa, se enamora fácilmente pero su pasión se apaga al poco tiempo, no se rinde fácilmente, se decepciona de todo hasta que encuentra su ideal, es de confianza y de carácter práctico.

ROBLE (la Valentía). Es una persona robusta de naturaleza, valiente, fuerte, implacable, independiente, sensible, no le gustan los cambios, mantiene sus pies bien puestos sobre la tierra, y gusta de la acción.

SAUCE LLORÓN (la Melancolía). Una persona bella pero melancólica, atractiva, muy empática, ama las cosas bellas y de buen gusto, ama viajar, soñadora sin descanso, caprichosa, honesta, puede ser influenciada pero es difícil para convivir, exigente, con buena intuición, sufre en el amor pero a veces encuentra sustento en su pareja. Algunas veces le gusta mentir es bastante amigable

HIGUERA (la Sensibilidad). Muy fuerte, es una persona un poco voluntariosa, independiente, no permite las contradicciones o discusiones, ama la vida, su familia, los niños y los animales, un poco volátil socialmente, buen sentido del humor, Tímida pero extrovertida. Gusta de la ociosidad y la pereza, de un talento práctico e inteligencia. Persona muy sensual y atractiva al sexo opuesto. Costa de gran elegancia y porte.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

The world of archeology is rocked by evidence of King David's palace unearthed in Jerusalem

How Jewish is Jerusalem?

You might think that's a silly question, but in the world of academia, revisionist history and even biblical archaeology, scholars have cast the shadow of doubt over Judaism's intrinsic connection to Jerusalem. The Moslem Waqf, the religious authority that administers the Temple Mount -- the site of Judaism's First and Second Temples -- has been claiming for years that there was never a temple there. But the idea that Israel is the historic homeland of the Jewish people and Jerusalem its holy capital has been under attack from far more reputable sources in recent decades as well.

Looking in the Wrong Place

But the debunkers of Jewish biblical history got some bad news recently, when a spunky, dedicated archaeologist began her latest dig. Dr. Eilat Mazar, world authority on Jerusalem's past, has taken King David out of the pages of the Bible and put him back into living history. Mazar's latest excavation in the City of David, in the southern shadow of the Temple Mount, has shaken up the archaeological world. For lying undisturbed for over 3,000 years is a massive building which Mazar believes is King David's palace.

For Mazar, 48, one of the world's leading authorities on the archaeology of ancient Jerusalem and head archaeologist of the Shalem Center Institute of Archaeology, the discovery was the culmination of years of effort and solid speculation. From the time she was a teenager, she had her nose in archaeology literature, and worked closely with her grandfather, renowned archaeologist Benjamin Mazar, who conducted the southern wall excavations next to the Western Wall. She holds a doctorate in archaeology from Hebrew University, is author of The Complete Guide to the Temple Mount Excavations, and in the 1970s and '80s worked on the digs supervised by Yigal Shilo in the City of David. The significant discoveries made then, including a huge wall called the "stepped-stone structure" -- which Shilo believed was a retaining wall for David's royal palace or part of the Jebusite fortress he conquered -- ignited Mazar to continue to look for the prize: David's palace itself.

Some biblical scholars gave up looking for the palace because, according to Mazar, they were looking in the wrong place. Scholars searched for remains of the palace within the walls of the ancient Jebusite city that David conquered and called Ir David (City of David). This city, while heavily fortified with both natural and man-made boundaries, was also very small, just nine acres in size. When no evidence of such a majestic palace as the Bible describes was found there, the next step was to claim that David's monarchy never really existed.

But Mazar always suspected that the palace was outside the original city, and cites the Bible to prove it. When the Philistines heard that David had been anointed, they went on the attack to apprehend him. This occurred after he conquered the Fortress of Zion, which was the actual nucleus of the city, and built his palace. The Bible says that David heard about it and "descended to the fortress," (2-Samuel 5:17), implying that he went down from his palace, which was higher up on the mountain than the citadel/city.

Mazar told "I always asked myself: Down from where? It must have been from his palace on top of the hill, outside the original Jebusite city."

Mazar says she was confident in her assessment of where the palace would be. What she discovered was a section of massive wall running about 100 feet from west to east along the length of the excavation (underneath what until this summer was the Ir David Visitors Center), and ending with a right-angle corner that turns south and implies a very large building.

Scientist, Not Philosopher

Within the dirt fill between the stones were found pottery shards dating to the 11th century BCE, the time when David established his monarchy. Based on biblical text and historic evidence, Mazar assumed that David would have built his palace outside the walls of the fortified but cramped Jebusite city which existed up to 2,000 years before; and in fact, the structure is built on the summit of the mountain, directly on bedrock along the city's northern edge, with no archaeological layers beneath it -- a sign that the structure constituted a new, northward expansion of the city's northern limit.

Complete Story:

Friday, July 10, 2009

¿Vivir mejor o «el buen vivir»?

Columna Semanal de
Leonardo Boff

Según la ideología dominante, todo el mundo quiere vivir mejor y disfrutar de una mejor calidad de vida. De modo general asocia esta calidad de vida al Producto Interior Bruto de cada país. El PIB representa todas las riquezas materiales que produce un país. Entonces, de acuerdo con este criterio, los países mejor situados son Estados Unidos, seguido de Japón, Alemania, Suecia y otros. El PIB es una medida inventada por el capitalismo para estimular la producción creciente de bienes materiales de consumo.

En los últimos años, a la vista del crecimiento de la pobreza y de la urbanización favelizada del mundo y hasta por un sentido de decencia, la ONU introdujo la categoría IDH, el «Índice de Desarrollo Humano». En él se incluyen valores intangibles como salud, educación, igualdad social, cuidado de la naturaleza, equidad de género y otros. Ha enriquecido el sentido de «calidad de vida», que era entendido de forma muy materialista: goza de una buena calidad de vida quien consume más y mejor. Según el IDH, la pequeña Cuba se presenta mejor situada que Estados Unidos aunque con un PIB comparativamente ínfimo.

Por delante de todos los países está Bután, encajonado entre la China y la India, a los pies del Himalaya, muy pobre materialmente, pero que estableció oficialmente el «Índice de Felicidad Interna Bruta». Ésta no se mide por criterios cuantitativos, sino cualitativos, como buen gobierno de las autoridades, distribución equitativa de los excedentes de la agricultura de subsistencia, de la extracción vegetal y de la venta de energía a la India, buena salud y educación y, especialmente, buen nivel de cooperación de todos para garantizar la paz social.

En las tradiciones indígenas de Abya Yala, nombre para nuestro continente indoamericano, en vez de «vivir mejor» se habla de «el buen vivir». Esta categoría entró en las constituciones de Bolivia y Ecuador como el objetivo social a ser perseguido por el Estado y por toda la sociedad.

El «vivir mejor» supone una ética del progreso ilimitado y nos incita a una competición con los otros para crear más y más condiciones para «vivir mejor». Sin embargo, para que algunos puedan «vivir mejor» millones y millones tienen y han tenido que «vivir mal». Es la contradicción capitalista.

Por el contrario, el «buen vivir» apunta a una ética de lo suficiente para toda la comunidad, y no solamente para el individuo. El «buen vivir» supone una visión holística e integradora del ser humano, inmerso en la gran comunidad terrenal, que incluye además de al ser humano, al aire, el agua, los suelos, las montañas, los árboles y los animales; es estar en profunda comunión con la Pachamama (Tierra), con las energías del Universo, y con Dios.

La preocupación central no es acumular. Además, la Madre Tierra nos proporciona todo lo que necesitamos. Con nuestro trabajo suplimos lo que ella por las excesivas agresiones no nos puede dar, o le ayudamos a producir lo suficiente y decente para todos, también para los animales y las plantas. El «buen vivir» es estar en permanente armonía con todo, celebrando los ritos sagrados que continuamente renuevan la conexión cósmica y con Dios.

El «buen vivir» nos convida a no consumir más de lo que el ecosistema puede soportar, a evitar la producción de residuos que no podemos absorber con seguridad y nos incita a reutilizar y reciclar todo lo que hemos usado. Será un consumo reciclable y frugal. Entonces no habrá escasez.

En esta época de búsqueda de nuevos caminos para la humanidad la idea del «buen vivir» tiene mucho que enseñarnos.


But the G8 is not offering a hard commitment

New initiatives for the world's poor at the G8 Summit that ended today July 10, 2009.

Weak leadership by the Italian host, Prime Minister Berlusconi, has resulted in very few concrete new initiatives for the world's poor at the G8 Summit that ended today. Having cut its aid spending by 56% this year, Italy lacked the moral authority or will to address the challenges posed by the economic, climate change and food crises.

These crises threaten to reverse the progress that has been made in reducing global poverty and achieving the Millennium Development Goals. This is a shame because the change in the U.S. administration and President Obama's personal interest in global poverty issues had opened up new possibilities for the G8 to deliver more. We need to work to ensure that next year, when Canada hosts the G8, that our government provides strong leadership on initiatives to help the world’s poor.

A lot of worthy ideas from some G8 leaders didn’t amount to much. There were efforts to get an initiative on child and maternal health, where progress has been slowest in achieving the Millennium Development Goals. There was a push by British Prime Minister Gordon Brown on a $100 billion fund to help poor countries deal with impacts of climate change and adopt clean energy. Negotiations were in process for new initiatives on child and maternal mortality, access to safe water and sanitation, and education for all. But they did not result in any tangible agreements.

The one positive outcome for the poor was a commitment by the G8 to work towards “a goal of mobilizing $20 billion over three years for sustainable agriculture development."

But the G8 is not offering a hard commitment, but an aspirational promise they hope to achieve with the help of other non-G8 countries. That means they want to meet the target, but don’t fully commit to making it happen. And it falls short of the $30 billion the Food and Agriculture Organization says is needed to deal with the food crisis. Canada will commit $600 million over three years to this effort, by shifting money already budgeted for aid to this purpose.

Some steps were also taken to improve G8 accountability with approval of an accountability framework that will try to better track past G8 commitments and the record of delivering on these promises. A full report using this framework is promised next year at the Canadian G8.

The lack of solid commitments to the poor is partly due to the weak leadership of Italy, the host country of this year’s G8.

We, as Canadians, need to work over the next year to make sure that there is strong leadership on poverty issues when Canada hosts the G8 next year.



Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Thomas Moore’s newest book, Writing in the Sand: Jesus & the Soul of the Gospels

Writing in the Sand
by Thomas Moore
Hay House,
ISBN 978-1-4019-2143-3

"Drawing on his background in theology, world religions, art history, psychology and mythology, author and psychotherapist Moore (Care of the Soul) proposes a fresh way of looking at the Christian gospels for those who once loved the texts, but no longer find them challenging. Moore believes the Jesus of the gospels was calling people to be open to life rather than attach themselves to a fixed teaching.

He reframes the wedding feast at Cana — said to be the scene of Christ's first miracle — as "the first lesson in Jesus spirituality: Be human, understand the importance of play and simple sensual pleasures and listen to your family. Then go deeper."

In Moore's reading of the gospels, Jesus himself is earthy and spiritual — a man clearly on the side of moderate sensual delight. Fans of Moore's previous books and readers who share his view that Jesus was not concerned with creating a religion or a plan for self-improvement, but was instead interested in a restructuring of the human imagination, will find plenty to ponder. (May 1)"


Tuesday, July 7, 2009

The Codex Sinaiticus Project

An opening from one of the two bound volumes at The British Library.
Codex Sinaiticus is one of the most important books in the world. Handwritten well over 1600 years ago, the manuscript contains the Christian Bible in Greek, including the oldest complete copy of the New Testament. Its heavily corrected text is of outstanding importance for the history of the Bible and the manuscript – the oldest substantial book to survive Antiquity – is of supreme importance for the history of the book. [Find out more about Codex Sinaiticus:]

The Codex Sinaiticus Project
The Codex Sinaiticus Project is an international collaboration to reunite the entire manuscript in digital form and make it accessible to a global audience for the first time. Drawing on the expertise of leading scholars, conservators and curators, the Project gives everyone the opportunity to connect directly with this famous manuscript.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Quick, which one is the robot?

June 10, 2005—Repliee Q1 (at left in both pictures) appeared yesterday at the 2005 World Expo in Japan, where she gestured, blinked, spoke, and even appeared to breathe. Shown with co-creator Hiroshi Ishiguru of Osaka University, the android is partially covered in skinlike silicone. Q1 is powered by a nearby air compressor, and has 31 points of articulation in its upper body.

Internal sensors allow the android to react "naturally." It can block an attempted slap, for example. But it's the little, "unconscious" movements that give the robot its eerie verisimilitude: the slight flutter of the eyelids, the subtle rising and falling of the chest, the constant, nearly imperceptible shifting so familiar to humans.

Surrounded by machines that draw portraits, swat fast-moving balls, and snake through debris, Q1 is only one of the showstoppers at the expo's Prototype Robot Exposition, which aims to showcase Japan's growing role in the robotics industry.

But given Q1's reported glitch-related "spasms" at the expo, it may be a while before androids are escorting tour groups or looking after children—which may be just as well. "When a robot looks too much like the real thing, it's creepy," Hiroshi told the Associated Press.
—Ted Chamberlain

Museo Internacional de las Víctimas de la Pobreza

"The richest 2% of adults in the world own more than half of all household wealth, according to a new study by a United Nations research institute. "
Published: 2006/12/05 17:21:57 GMT

Tal vez así nos verán a futuro…citando a Rafael Díaz Salazar, en el diario El País:

“Cuando en el siglo XXV nuestros descendientes estudien la historia del inicio del tercer milenio, se estremecerán ante el holocausto permitido por sus antepasados bárbaros que habitaban la Tierra en el año 2005. La sala central del Museo Internacional de las Víctimas de la Pobreza, con sede en el próspero Estado del Bienestar de Etiopía, estará presidida por un gran panel en el que aparecerán estos datos: a finales del siglo XX los habitantes de Europa y Estados Unidos gastaron 17.000 millones de dólares anuales en alimentos para animales domésticos, pero no lograron invertir los 13.000 millones de dólares anuales necesarios para eliminar el hambre”.



"Be the change you wish to see in the world."
Mohandas K. Gandhi


Where governments respect the rights of all their citizens and settle disputes by the rule of law for the common good.

Where all people have food, shelter and access to medical care, and children are born into and raised by healthy families and communities.

Where literacy and education for all are accomplished facts.
Where economic practices create well being for all stakeholders, including communities and the environment.

Where beauty, the arts, and media inspire the best in people.
Where the benefits of science and technology enhance all circles of life.

Where tolerance and appreciation of diverse religious beliefs is the rule, spiritual practice is encouraged, and reverence for life fostered.

Where the earth in all her natural beauty is treasured and her resources utilized sustainably, for this and future generations.

This is a world at PEACE.
May Peace Prevail On Earth

© Pathways To Peace


Dr. Michio Kaku

The Most Important Generation in History is the One Now Alive

When trying to save the world, it helps to put things into a larger perspective by thinking about civilizations that may have already confronted these problems. In particular, astrophysicists, when we try to find evidence for life in outer space, rank possible civilizations that are more advanced than ours according to their energy consumption:

A. A Type I civilization is truly planetary, using up all the energy from their sun which lands on their planet. They might, for example, be able to control all forms of planetary energy, such as controlling the weather and the power of hurricanes and volcanoes.

B. A Type II civilization has mastered stellar power, using up all the energy released from their mother star. They use up 10 billion times more energy than a Type I civilization. A typical example might be the Federation of Planets in Star Trek, which has harnessed the energy from only a tiny sliver of the stars in the Milky Way galaxy.

C. A Type III civilization is galactic, harnessing 10 billions more energy than a Type II civilization. They roam freely across the galactic space lanes. A typical example might be the Borg on Star Trek, or the Empire of the Star Wars series, or the Empire of Asimov’s Foundation Series.

By comparison, what are we? Do we control the weather, play with stars, or harness the power of an entire galaxy? We are, sadly, a Type 0 civilization. We don’t even appear on the radar screen. We get our energy from dead plants, oil and coal.

But we can calculate how long it will take to slowly work our way up this energy scale. Assume that the world’s energy consumption grows at roughly 3% per year. At this rate, we are about 100 years from attaining Type I status, about several thousand years from attaining Type II status, and perhaps 100,000 years or so from attaining Type III status.

For example, I see evidence of this in every newspaper I read. To me, every headline points to the birth pangs of the emerging Type I planetary civilization:
The language of this future Type I planetary civilization will be English, which is already the language of the elites around the world.

The EU, NAFTA, and global trade blocks represent the seeds of a Type I economy.
The internet is the beginning of a Type I telephone system.
Rock music, youth culture, high fashion, the movies, etc. all represent the beginning of a Type I culture.
But some people instinctively hate this emerging Type I civilization, because it will be multi-cultural, progressive, and scientific. These are the terrorists.

How stable are these civilizations? By the time a civilization reaches Type II status, they are immortal. Nothing known to science can destroy these civilizations. Ice ages can be controlled, meteor or comets can be deflected, and they can even survive the death of their mother star by moving their planet or re-igniting their star.

But of all these transitions, the most dangerous of all is the transition between Type 0 and Type I. We still have all the savagery, sectarianism, racism, fundamentalist, etc. that typified our rise from the swamp. So it is not clear at all whether we will rise to a Type I civilization. I think it’s a race against time. On one hand, we have the march towards a planetary civilization, perhaps the greatest transition in human history. On the other hand, we have urgent problems like nuclear proliferation, global warming, designer germ warfare, pollution, over population, etc. that threatened the very survival of the planet.

It’s not clear which trend will win. But there is a lesson here. By rights, our galaxy should be teeming with intelligent life forms, yet we see no evidence of any so far, perhaps because they never successfully made the transition to Type I. One day, perhaps if ever visit these planets, we might find dead civilizations with an atmosphere too hot to bear life, or an atmosphere too radioactive for life.

But one thing is certain. The generation now alive is the most important generation that has ever walked the earth. This is because we will decide whether we will truly become a Type I civilization, or will descend into chaos and disorder. There have been about 5,000 generations of humans since we emerged from Africa about 100,000 years ago, and the most important generation is the one now alive, since we hold the destiny of civilization in our hands.

Author: Dr. Michio Kaku

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Texto del Jefe Indio Seattle al Presidente de los E.E.U.U.

Carta de Seattle, jefe de la tribu Suwamish al presidente de los Estados Unidos, Mr. Franklin Pierce, el año 1855, como respuesta a su oferta de compra de las tierras Suwamish.

El gran caudillo de Washington ha ordenado hacernos saber que nos quiere comprar las tierras. El gran caudillo nos ha mandado también palabras de amistad y de buena voluntad. Apreciamos mucho esta delicadeza porque conocemos la poca falta que le hace nuestra amistad. Queremos considerar su ofrecimiento, pues sabemos que si no lo hiciéramos, pueden venir los hombres de piel blanca a tomarnos las tierras con sus armas de fuego. Que el gran caudillo de Washington confíe en la palabra del líder Seattle con la misma certidumbre que espera la vuelta de las estaciones. Mis palabras son inmutables como estrellas.

¿Como podéis comprar o vender el cielo o el calor de la tierra? Se nos hace extraña esta idea. No son nuestros el frescor del aire ni los reflejos del agua. ¿Cómo podrían ser comprados? Lo decidiremos más adelante. Tendríais que saber que mi pueblo tiene por sagrado cada rincón de esta tierra. La hoja resplandeciente; la arenosa playa; la niebla dentro del bosque; el claro en la arboleda y el zumbido del insecto son experiencias sagradas y memorias de mi pueblo. La sabia que sube por los árboles lleva recuerdos del hombre de piel roja.

Los muertos del hombre de piel blanca olvidan su tierra cuando empiezan el viaje en medio de las estrellas. Los nuestros nunca se alejan de la tierra, que es la madre. Somos un pedazo de esta tierra; estamos hechos de una parte de ella. La flor perfumada, el ciervo, el caballo, el águila majestuosa: todos son nuestros hermanos. Las rocas de las cumbres, el jugo de la hierba fresca, la calor de la piel del potro: todo pertenece a nuestra familia.

Por esto, cuando el gran caudillo de Washington manda decirnos que nos quiere comprar las tierras es demasiado lo que nos pide. El gran caudillo quiere darnos un lugar para que vivamos todos juntos. El nos hará de padre y nosotros seremos sus hijos. Hemos de meditar su ofrecimiento. No se nos presenta nada fácil ya que las tierras son sagradas. El agua de nuestros ríos y pantanos no es sólo agua, sino la sangre de nuestros antepasados. Si os vendiésemos las tierras, haría falta que recordaseis que son sagradas y lo tendríais que enseñar a vuestros hijos y que los reflejos misteriosos de las aguas claras de los lagos narran hechos de la vida de mi pueblo. El murmullo del agua es la voz del padre de mi padre.

Los ríos son hermanos nuestros, porque nos libran de la sed. Los ríos arrastran nuestras canoas y nos dan sus peces. Si os vendiésemos las tierras, tendríais que recordar y enseñar a vuestros hijos que los ríos son hermanos nuestros y también vuestros. Tendríais que tratar a los ríos con el corazón.

Sabemos bien que el hombre de piel blanca no puede entender nuestra manera de ser. Tanto le importa un trozo de tierra que otro, porque es como un extraño que llega de noche a arrancar de la tierra todo lo que necesita. No ve la tierra con una hermana, sino más bien como una enemiga. Cuando la ha hecho suya, la menosprecia y sigue andando. Deja atrás las sepulturas de sus padres y no parece que eso le duela. No le duele desposeer la tierra de sus hijos. Olvida la tumba de su padre y los derechos de sus hijos. Trata a la madre tierra y al hermano cielo como si fueran cosas que se compran y se venden; como si fuesen animales o collares. Su hambre insaciable devorará la tierra y detrás suyo dejará tan sólo un desierto.

No lo puedo comprender. Nosotros somos de una manera de ser muy diferente. Vuestras ciudades hacen daño a los ojos del hombre de piel roja. Tal vez sea porque el hombre de piel roja es salvaje y no puede entender las cosas. No hay ningún lugar tranquilo en las ciudades del hombre de piel blanca; ningún lugar donde se pueda escuchar en la primavera el despliegue de las hojas, o movimiento de las alas de un insecto. Tal vez me lo parece a mi porque soy un salvaje y no comprendo bien las cosas. El ruido de la ciudad es un insulto para el oído. Y yo me pregunto: ¿qué tipo de vida tiene el hombre cuando no es capaz de escuchar el grito solitario de una garza o la discusión nocturna de las ranas alrededor del charco? Soy un hombre de piel roja y no puedo entender. A los indios nos deleita el ligero murmullo del viento fregando la cara del lago y su olor después de la lluvia del mediodía, con su peculiar fragancia.

El hombre de piel roja es conocedor del valor inapreciable del aire ya que todas las cosas respiran su aliento: el animal, el árbol, el hombre. Pero parece que el hombre de piel blanca no sienta el aire que respira. Como un hombre que hace días que agoniza, no es capaz de sentir la peste. Si os vendiésemos las tierras, tendríais que dejarlas en paz y que continuasen sagradas para que fuesen un lugar en el que hasta el hombre de piel blanca pudiese saborear el viento endulzado por las flores de la pradera.

Queremos considerar vuestra oferta de comprarnos las tierras. Si decidiéramos aceptarlo tendré que poneros una condición: que el hombre de piel blanca mire a los animales de esta tierra como hermanos.

Soy salvaje, pero me parece que tiene que ser así. He visto búfalos a miles pudriéndose abandonados en las praderas; el hombre de piel blanca les disparaba desde el caballo de fuego sin ni tan sólo pararlo. Yo soy salvaje y no entiendo porqué el caballo de fuego vale más que el búfalo, ya que nosotros lo matamos sólo a cambio de nuestra propia vida. ¿Qué puede ser del hombre sin animales? Si todos los animales desapareciesen , el hombre tendría que morir con gran soledad de espíritu. Porque todo lo que les pasa a los animales, bien pronto le pasa también al hombre. Todas las cosas están ligadas entre sí.

Haría falta que enseñaseis a vuestros hijos que el suelo que pisan son las cenizas de los abuelos. Respetarán la tierra si les deciís que está llena de vida de los antepasados. Hace falta que vuestros hijos lo sepan, igual que los nuestros, que la tierra es la madre de todos nosotros. Que cualquier estrago causado a la tierra lo sufren sus hijos. El hombre que escupe a tierra, a sí mismo se está escupiendo.

De una cosa estamos seguros: la tierra no pertenece al hombre; es el hombre el que pertenece a la tierra. El hombre no ha tejido la red que es la vida, sólo es un hijo. El sufrimiento de la tierra se convierte a la fuerza en sufrimiento para sus hijos. Estamos seguros de esto. Todas las cosas están ligadas como la sangre de una misma familia.

Hasta el hombre de piel blanca, que tiene amistad con Dios y se pasea y le habla, no puede evitar este destino nuestro común. Tal vez sea cierto que somos hermanos. Ya lo veremos. Sabemos una cosa que tal vez descubriréis vosotros más adelante: que nuestro Dios es el mismo que el vuestro. Os pensáis que tal vez tenéis poder por encima de Él y al mismo tiempo lo queréis tener sobre todas las tierras, pero no lo podéis tener. El Dios de todos los hombres se compadece igual de los de piel blanca que de los de piel roja. Esta tierra es apreciada por su creador y estropearla sería una grave afrenta. Los hombres de piel blanca también sucumbirán y tal vez antes que el resto de tribus. Si ensuciáis vuestra cama, cualquier noche moriréis sofocados por vuestros propios delitos. Pero veréis la luz cuando llegue la hora final y comprenderéis que Dios os condujo a estas tierras y os permitió su dominio y la dominación del hombre de piel roja con algún propósito especial. Este destino es en verdad un misterio, porque no podemos comprender que pasará cuando los búfalos se hayan extinguido; cuando los caballos hayan perdido su libertad; cuando no quede ningún rincón del bosque sin el olor del hombre y cuando por encima de las verdes colinas nuestra mirada encuentre por todas partes las telarañas de hilos de hierro que llevan vuestra voz.

¿ Dónde está el bosque espeso? Desapareció. ¿Dónde está el águila? Desapareció. ¡Así se acaba la vida y empezamos a sobrevivir!

After the Great Recession

The recession will end eventually. And the economy, the workplace, and the markets will return to something we’ll learn to call normal. But it won’t be like any normal you’ve seen before.
So, where do we go from here?

The world’s most powerful economy has been laid low by the economic equivalent of a 100-year flood. Millions lost their jobs, century-old institutions came crashing down, and a presidential election was affected, if not decided, by the fallout. You’ve heard all the awful statistics and scary comparisons with the Great Depression, so we won’t belabor the point here.

Allow us just one, powerful number: The economic meltdown we’ve just experienced has washed away more than $20 trillion in wealth. That’s a game-changing development that will affect how we work, where we live, and even our nation’s standing in the world. So if the crash of 2008 was an inflection point, what’s on the other side? Mohamed El-Erian, co-CEO of Pimco, describes our future as “the new normal,” a period of slower growth, increased government regulation, reduced borrowing, and higher taxes. In such a world, power is likely to shift from financiers to shop stewards, from America to other nations.

Of course, there’s no way to know exactly what this new normal has in store for us. But we can identify a few highly probable large-scale shifts because they involve facts — like demographics, market math, and Social Security arithmetic. The great bull market of the ’80s and ’90s, for example, benefited from a tailwind of falling interest rates, boatloads of borrowing, and a game-changing technological breakthrough in the form of the Internet. Those breezes are unlikely to be at our back in the coming years.

Some of the trends we identify may surprise you. In the following stories, we’ll explain why women will have an advantage in the workplace, how you might be able to secure double-digit returns in the stock market, and why you’re better off playing bridge than poker.

Can You Afford to Retire ... Ever?
Will You Make Your Money Back?
What’s Next: 4 Big Predictions for the U.S. Economy
The New Job Market: Who Wins and Who Loses?
Can Americans Really Stop Spending?
Life After Debt: Revised Expectations
Life After Debt: Decline of Wall Street


Pope Benedict XVI Prayer Intentions - June 2009

Join in praying daily for the June 2009 monthly intentions of our Holy Father:

General: That international attention towards the poorer countries may give rise to more concrete help, in particular to relieve them of the crushing burden of foreign debt.

Mission: That the particular Churches operating in regions marked by violence may be sustained by the love and concrete closeness of all the Catholics in the world.


O Jesus, through the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary, I offer You my prayers, works, joys, and sufferings of this day in union with the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass throughout the world.

I offer them for all the intentions of Your Sacred Heart: the salvation of souls, reparation for sin, and the reunion of all Christians. I offer them for the intentions of our bishops and of all Apostles of Prayer, and in particular for those recommended by our Holy Father this month.

Apparitions of Our Lady of Emmitsburg

Five Points Important to Remember

Important to remember are 5 points regarding the ongoing occurrences of the private revelations associated with the apparitions of Our Lady of Emmitsburg, which have been, since their inception over 20 years ago, perpetually and pervasively scrutinized:

[1] Full Obedience to the Church

Believers in Our Lady of Emmitsburg are verifiably obedient to the Church and the directive of the fallible June 2003 Decree, most especially and visibly, the visionary and prophet and her family. No one has proven otherwise and, most notably, the Church has not found or proved any believer to be disobedient. But rather, the Church has even mentioned that to the best of their knowledge, the prophet and believers are practicing Catholics in good standing with the Church.

[2] Nothing Contrary to Faith and Morals

Nothing in the content of any of the messages proceeding from the private revelations has ever been found to be irrefutably and certifiably contrary to Church teaching on Faith and Morals. Falsities and fallacy aside, no one, including the Church’s investigative Commission of Enquiry, has ever proven that any content found within any of the messages of these private revelations is contrary to Church teaching on Faith or Morals. This is most significant because for over 20 years the mystical phenomena have been under ongoing close scrutiny by many, including the Church.

[3] Attested Legitimacy - No Fraud

Not the Church, or any other party has ever proven Gianna Sullivan, the visionary and prophet, to be a fraud for any reason. No one has proven fraud attributable to psychological instability, physiological bases, or moral turpitude (deception, lies, greed, avarice, fame/notoriety, etc). No moral, psychological, or physiological reason, argument, or explanation has ever proven her to be a fraud. In fact, the medical and scientific evidence indicate possible authenticity; as do as well: her moral character, psychological profile and mental health, and her physiological condition. The recent medical electroencephalogram testing, confirms earlier results, that the not-normal-to-human-existence ecstasies are consistent with authenticity. Also, proof does not exist that the visionary and prophet is perpetrating lies or participating in deliberate or inadvertent, vincible or invincible deception.

[4] Questionable Church Handling and Investigation

Eminent Marian and Mystical Theologians, Academicians, intellectuals and others, both lay persons and religious, have already documented and are becoming increasingly aware of more and more fallacy and injustice in the handling of the private revelations. Many of them conclude it is necessary that a new investigation be conducted at some time in the future. Their concerns include invalid reasoning in arguments, false assertions, violations of personal and civil rights, as well as many public and private examples of calumny, slander, defamation, abuse, and profane and unjustified vilification of the visionary and those who believe to be authentic, the private revelations associated with Our Lady of Emmitsburg.

[5] Prophecies Upheld Valid

As regards the predictions detailing future events and happenings, none of the prophecies have been determined to be invalid. No one has ever demonstrated conclusive proof, or supplied valid reasons why, any of the prophecies can be deemed with certitude to be: “not possible to ever be fulfilled.” In fact, more and more of the many prophecies are being confirmed as fulfilled and many indicate to be unfolding now. While some persons have labeled some of the prophecies that involve the future: “apocalyptic,” no one has proven that any of them are contrary to Church teaching on dogma, faith, or morals. The Church has approved many apparitions as worthy of human credence having similar revelations which might also be termed apocalyptic. By simply terming or labeling prophecies “apocalyptic” does not proof of an invalidation make.

*****Points compiled by: Peter Blanchard, Board DirectorThe Foundation of The Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary, Inc.

While many well informed priests, theologians, academicians, and lay persons agree with the 5 points and find them valid, in fidelity to the pursuit of truth, any suggested corrections, contentions, additions or redactions may be sent to:

The Foundation of the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary, Inc.

Attention: Peter Blanchard
P.O. Box 505
Fairfield, PA 17320

Source: The Foundation of the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary, Inc

Blessing against Storms & Our Lady of Emmitsburg

Background of Prayer or Blessing against Storms

The Prayer or Blessing Against Storms is attributed to a pilgrim priest, who in the 13th century, anonymously visited a convent and church near Lisbon, Portugal. The convent had been plagued by devastating storms almost yearly, causing severe loss of life and property.

When the pilgrim priest learned of what was occurring to the convent, he was filled with compassion and left a written copy of the above prayer with the gatekeeper of the convent. The priest then disappeared without a trace.

The prayer was posted and carried by the convents inhabitants. From that time on there has never again been a storm causing damage to the convent or to the religious living there.

Subsequently, the prayer was ordered to be published by Pope Innocent III (1198-1216).

On January 13, 2005, Our Lady of Emmitsburg shared with mystic Gianna Sullivan that the mysterious pilgrim priest who had given the prayer to the gatekeeper was St. Anthony of Padua.

Our Lady of Emmitsburg encouraged the use of this prayer during these current times.

Jesus Christ a King of Glory has come in Peace. + God became man, + and the Word was made flesh. + Christ was born of a virgin. + Christ suffered. + Christ was crucified. + Christ died. + Christ rose from the dead. + Christ ascended into Heaven. + Christ conquers. + Christ reigns. + Christ orders. + May Christ protect us from all storms and lightning. + Christ went through their midst in Peace, + and the Word was made Flesh. + Christ is with us with Mary. + Flee you enemy spirits because the Lion of the Generation of Juda, the Root of David, was won. + Holy God! + Holy Powerful God ! + Holy Immortal God! + Have mercy on us. Amen!
( + ) Denotes times to make the Sign of the Cross.

( The Prayer of Blessing Against Storms, Pieta, MLOR Corporation, Hickory Corners, MI, USA, (269) 731-4490, 2005 )
© 2008

So fly away you evil spirits!
The Lion of the Tribe of Juda, the Root of David has conquered.
All the evil ones shall be silenced and cast into the Lion's mouth.



There are only three Catholic feast days celebrating births: Christmas, the nativity of Mary, and the birth (June 24) of John the Baptist. Otherwise it is the death of the saint that we memorialize.

The birthday of Jesus comes right after the winter solstice; from then on, the days grow longer. The feast of John comes after the summer solstice; henceforth, the days grow shorter.

That is in the mood of our times and his feast day is also an anniversary of a famous apparition. In the solemnity, we are reminded that only through love of God will major negative events in the future be lessened or averted.

What is the sense of our moment? We wonder if there will be a signal, signature event (perhaps something like a quake), or a series of major events leading to purification. In the prophetic pulse is the night sound of a siren in the distance.

Somehow, we will be challenged by mayhem. There will be a breakdown. Local authorities will be busy. It is not always "doom and gloom" or any other cliché to sense negative events. Despite signs the recession may soon "bottom out," there remains a strong sense of unsettlement. It is reflected in alleged messages from seers, whether a legitimate "word" or simply private reflection. Keep this in mind: if there is prayer, joy can come in the midst of anything!

Says an alleged recent message from Goiânia in Brazil:

"Dear Sons and Daughters, I am your mom and I come from Heaven to fill you with joy and to lead you to My Son Jesus. Have confidence, faith, and hope. Know that these are difficult times for humanity, but you who are willing to hear me need not lose hope. The victory of God will come to you. The Lord will wipe away your tears. Earth will be transformed and God will give His faithful the grace of peace, and there will be no more suffering. The forces of evil will not be able to do anything against the chosen ones of God. This will be the time of the definitive triumph of my Immaculate Heart. Go forward without fear. Be meek and humble of heart. Accept my appeals and give testimony to the marvels of God in your lives. Don´t get away from prayer. Your victory is in the Lord. He alone lives and reigns forever. Go to meet Him and you will be rich in faith. This is the message I transmit to you today in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for permitting Me to reunite you here once more. I bless you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Be at peace."

Another from that same site, where Mary is said to have appeared to a young man since 1987:

"Dear Sons and Daughters, courage: Don´t lose heart because of your difficulties. God is very close to you. Confide in His mercy and live turned to the paradise, the only place for which you were created. I am your mom and I come from Heaven to call you to conversion. Accept my appeals and joyfully testify to the gospel of my Jesus. Humanity lives far from God and is heading towards a great abyss. A greater and more sorrowful war will come. The malice of people will bring suffering and pain to my poor children. I suffer because of what awaits you. Don't back out. Bend your knees in prayer. You won't be able to support the weight of the trials that must come without prayer. You who are listening to Me must not lose heart. I am always at your side. I will speak to My Son Jesus for each one of you. Rejoice, for you are important to the Lord. He loves you and is calling you. I bless you in the name of The Father, and of The Son, and of The Holy Spirit. Amen. Be at peace."

Can we accept a seer who specifies cities (one being Rio de Janeiro) as set for terrorism? Yet another message from there: "Humanity lives in great tensions and my poor children are heading to meet with a sorrowful trial."

And so the reputed messages that erupted in the 1980s continue, often mentioning a coming chastisement. How do we discern legitimacy? Among the possibilities are quakes.

Might there be a singular seismic event in the future, or dozens of them? If so, would they come together? A year apart? Before an asteroid scare? Before the major hurricanes?

There are endless variations on what could loom, but loom something does, and that's why -- when finally it comes -- its exact format will be unexpected no matter how much we try to anticipate.

As time wears on, the dangers grow.

Over and again are those who say God is a God of mercy and that He is so full of forgiveness as to render warnings moot. He is a God of mercy. But there are only so many sinners that He will watch heading toward the netherworld before He takes merciful action. Our world, in some way, is poised for glorious change.

Like birth, it will be painful.

What about quakes? What about the rumbling earth? What are the possibilities?

If there is indeed a singular event, and not simple societal breakdown (and civil unrest), seismic events would be high on the list of possibilities.

Is a magnitude-8.5 really the limit when it came to quakes in California, or are there deep unknown mechanisms by which that state would see a magnitude-9?

Could California encounter the kind of mega-quake that Alaska has had?

Was the magnitude-9.5 that had struck South America in 1964 -- one that had sent a tidal wave to Hawaii -- really the limit, as so many believed, or might there have been far more terrific ones in past times that never made the records of history?

Could the San Andreas set off a bunch of other major faults, and vice-versa? Could the quakes in California lead to major movements on the faults in Seattle or Portland or Vancouver, or vice-versa? Is there an obscure link by which reactions in California could connect to the huge subduction zone off Seattle or others that haunted us from Alaska to Chile? Could the faults near Japan cause a chain reaction around the world? What about quakes that only came around every 2,000 or 4,000 years and have not been encountered since the Bronze Age? Might we see such events (and hear the rumbling)?

Meanwhile, the economy continues to gyrate, one day seeming better, the next stalled, or even falling again. Do the government and media have a grasp of it? Do they accurately portray the situation? Might it be a part of purification? There are many rumors in the blogosphere.

"Some U.S. embassies worldwide are being advised to purchase massive amounts of local currencies; enough to last them a year," claims one. "Some embassies are being sent enormous amounts of U.S. cash to purchase currencies from those governments, quietly. But not £´s. Inside the State Department there is a sense of sadness and foreboding that 'something' is about to happen, unknown regarding a date-- just that within 180 days, but could be 120-150 days."

It may reach into the paranoid (or, let us say, the hypersensitive). We submit such, as occasionally we do, for discernment, and so as not to ignore prophecy (as the Bible admonishes).

Loom does something -- do a number of things. War is in the wind. So is a calamity. Whether from the sky or the bowels of the earth, the pace is beginning to pick up once more and will be with us in the summer heat (as the days shorten).

Can a chastisement -- even a quake -- really be stopped?

It can. There isn't anything that can't be affected by prayer.

As the Blessed Mother has said at that place where apparitions began on St. John the Baptist's feast day: "Prayer and fasting can prevent war and natural catastrophes."

resources: Sent To Earth and Tower of Light


Tuesday, June 23, 2009

The 4 Agreements

Be Impeccable with your Word

Speak with integrity. Say only what you mean.
Avoid using the word to speak against yourself or to gossip about others.
Use the power of your word in the direction of truth and love.

Don’t Take Anything Personally

Nothing others do is because of you.
What others say and do is a projection of their own reality, their own dream.
When you are immune to the opinions and actions of others, you won’t be victim of needless suffering.

Don’t Make Assumptions

Find the courage to ask questions and to express what you really want.
Communicate with others as clearly as you can to avoid misunderstandings, sadness and drama. With just this one agreement, you can completely transform your life.

Always do your Best

Your best is going to change from moment to moment, it will be different when you are healthy as opposed to sick. Under any circumstance, simply do your best, and you will avoid self – judgment, self - abuse, and regret.

Author: Don Miguel Ruiz

Monday, June 22, 2009

El test de los colores en Plenitud

¿Sabías que existe un color que refleja tu personalidad?
¡Descúbre aquí qué color eres!

¿Sabías que existe un color que refleja tu personalidad? y que si sabes cuál es tu color y lo incluyes en tu vida diaria, TODO se te facilitará.

El color es mucho más que una paleta para usarse en la ropa, el maquillaje, la decoración, en los gustos personales, etc.

Existe una teoría que dice que cada matiz del espectro de color, manda una vibración que se conecta al Chacra (el centro energético) de tu cuerpo. Cuando el Chacra está en desequilibrio puede rebalancearse absorbiendo las vibraciones del color.

Todos respondemos a las vibraciones del color, lo mismo emocional que psicológicamente, ya que los colores pueden estimular un estado de ánimo y cambiarlo. Así que... debes saber que existe un color que refleja tu personalidad y la manera en la que expresas tu fuerza y tus debilidades, y claro, si lo incluyes en tus actividades diarias, tu vida sentimental, emocional y hasta profesional, se verán beneficiadas y tu vida será más positiva y segura.

¿Sabes cuál es el tuyo?

Para obtener tu color tienes que reducir tu fecha de nacimiento a un solo dígito.

Por ejemplo, si naciste el 13 de diciembre de 1952, tendrás que sacar los números de la siguiente manera:

Los dos primeros dígitos ya los tienes - 13 – que equivalen al día, después al mes de diciembre le corresponden los dígitos - 12 - que equivalen al duodécimo mes del año, y a continuación - 1952 - que son los dígitos del año de tu nacimiento.

A continuación tendrás que sumar todos los dígitos: 1+3+1+2+1+9+5+2=24, después 2+4=6.

Tu número sería el 6.


No puedes evitar darte siempre a notar. El rojo es un color que llama mucho la atención y demanda la acción. La gente roja es apasionada, vive el momento y le gusta experimentar cualquier cosa nueva, pero tiene un período de atención muy corto. Además son directos y honestos, y aunque a la gente pueda no gustarles lo que dicen o piensan, por lo menos ya saben a lo que se atienen con ellos. Guardar sus emociones puede enfermarlos. En lo laboral, son mejores líderes que seguidores y muchas veces prefieren ser sus propios jefes.


La gente naranja es muy emocional y sensible a los sentimientos de los demás. Odian a la gente ventajosa, lo que los vuelve mediadores y perfectos y muy aptos para hacer carrera en consultoría, trabajo comunitario o política. Son extremadamente sociables y su actitud relajada los hace personas divertidas con las que todo el mundo quiere estar, aunque saben muy bien cuándo tomar las cos as en serio. La gente de este color puede hacer evidente características en los demás, que ellos prefieren ignorar, y por ello a veces la gente puede darles la vuelta. Su punto débil es la baja estima cuando se sienten deprimidos, la comida se vuelve su tabla de salvación emocional, lo mismo comer como locos que, quizá no probar bocado.


La gente amarilla tiene un cerebro privilegiado y si no están con mentes como las suyas se aburren fácilmente. Pueden tener una forma verbal muy divertida y aguda, aunque a veces pueden volverse "perruchos". Si lo que dicen no revela lo que sienten, su expresión lo hará. Los libros los atraen muchísimo, pero en cuanto entiendan la anécdota o el tema, los abandonan.

Son excelentes escritores cuando su mente va mucho más adelante que sus acciones. El periodismo es una actividad que puede funcionarles, porque pueden tener la capacidad de convertir la noticia más aburrida en algo estelar. Su carácter meticuloso puede funcionar bien en profesiones como contaduría, finanzas, mercadotecnia y computación. Son propensos al insomnio, porque tiene estimulada la parte izquierda del cerebro, haciendo que su mente esté alerta, incluso de noche.


El espacio personal es muy importante para la gente verde. Les gusta la compañía, pero tienen que huir cuando se sienten atrapadas; actúan primero y se fijan en las consecuencias hasta después. Creen en el orden y en darse tiempo para ordenar sus ideas. Prefieren trabajar a su manera que en compañía. Si son propios empleados, planean el futuro y no toman riesgos. Si algo rompe su estructura de trabajo o modus operandi, no dicen nada, pero la tensión se refleja en sus hombros y su espalda. Están colgados de sus emociones y profesiones. Eventualmente, requieren de una limpieza y física profunda. Las carreras perfectas para la gente verde son la aromaterapia, jardinería y floristería.


Las personas azules son muy buenas para contar historias. Tienen una vívida imaginación y un instinto maternal que atrae a los niños. Su gran poder para sanar los puede hacer extraordinarios doctores o enfermeras. Tienen una gran necesidad de comunicarse y cuando no lo logran, frecuentemente se enferman de gripe o de la garganta. La verdad y la honestidad son fundamentales para ellos, por eso pierden toda la confianza cuando alguien los traiciona. Son testarudos y defienden sus creencias hasta el fin, lo que los hace buenos debatiendo. La música es su clave para relajarse.


Son profundos y misteriosos. Nunca nadie está seguro de quiénes son en realidad. Las personas índigo se involucran absolutamente en algo, o bien se quedan fuera por completo. Les gusta ofrecer ayuda y consuelo, pero les es muy difícil pedirlos como correspondencia. Tienen muy bien entonado su sexto sentido, piensan en una persona y ésta llama en unos minutos por teléfono y tienen muchos sueños premonitorios. Pueden ser buenos psicoterapeutas. Siempre son optimistas y ven los positivo de cualquier situación. Son propensos a desequilibrios hormonales.


Las personas violetas son ideales para seguir una carrera de modas, diseño de interiores o bellas artes. La costumbre que tienen de escoger lo más costoso de las tiendas tiene que ver con su buen ojo para la calidad. De su poderosa imaginación fluye constante creatividad y algunas veces mezclan realidad y fantasía, lo que los hace perfectos para los espectáculos. Si su trabajo no satisface sus deseos creativos, su imaginación salvaje puede extrapolarse y, a veces, sienten que no caben en ninguna parte, incluso con su familia y amigos. La gente violeta es propensa a dolores de cabeza y a sentirse como "sacados de onda". El suprimir su creatividad puede causarles artritis.


Son los anfitriones perfectos y hacen que la gente se sienta de maravilla en sus casas. Pueden volver los ingredientes más comunes en una comida gourmet.

La gente rosa casi siempre se muda de donde nació y sólo regresa de visita, nunca a vivir de nuevo ahí. Creen que todo esta conectado en algún nivel. Prefieren que otros tomen la estafeta de la carrera, aunque les pertenezca. Ven el potencial en cualquier persona y tratan de guiarlos en la dirección correcta, ya sea labora o sentimentalmente. La administración es perfecta para ellos. Son pacientes y comprensivos, pero un buen día, pueden explotar como un volcán. Suelen guardar la tensión en la parte baja del cuerpo, por ello, cuando se sienten tensos, es recomendable que hagan ejercicio.

9 ORO:

Todo mundo quiere acercarse a la gente "dorada". Cuando eran niños, los adultos confiaban en ellos y los desconocidos les contaban sus secretos más ocultos. Pueden ser maestros excepcionales y usar su experiencia personal para hacer de sus acercamientos algo muy especial. Tienen un talento increíble, del que todo el mundo se entera, menos ellos. Son perfeccionistas y se exigen mucho a sí mismos. Fallar es casi inaceptable y ven la vulnerabilidad como una debilidad. Por ende, mostrar sus emociones puede ser una dificultad. Por ello, a veces padecen síntomas de gripe - aunque no la tengan- y tienen problemas con su sistema inmunológico.

Fuente: Desconocida

Astronomers find the gate into parallel worlds

Only housewives believe in three-dimensional space. None of the serious scientists supports such a stupid idea

“Whom would you like to clone?” was the theme of the recent survey conducted in the US and Great Britain. The most popular candidate turned out to be Albert Einstein, with Jesus Christ and Elvis Presley legging behind. Surprisingly enough, the famous physicist who created the theory of relativity to the fascination yet misunderstanding of the others was wrong. The only way to rescue poor Einstein is to agree that our world has more than three dimensions we are accustomed to.

Only housewives believe in three-dimensional space. None of the serious scientists would dare support such a stupid idea. However, the number of extra dimensions is still the object of heated discussions. Nature published an article by the Oxford professor Joseph Silk, where he makes a conclusion that there are six dimensions in the universe, i.e. three dimensions which we can sense and another three that we do not notice. For all its fantastic nature the theory of professor Silk turns out the least traumatic for a human mind and the easiest to grasp. The paradoxical theory of super cords that is growing in popularity suggests the existence of additional eight dimensions.

No matter how many extra dimensions there are, the fact that they exist is deduced from the strange behavior of the dark matter. These are particles of unknown nature that are still to be discovered but have been already predicted. They constitute 25 percent of our universe. 70 percent of the universe is formed by the so-called dark energy with positive density and negative pressure. Only three to five percent of the universe is the matter of protons, electrons and neutrons that is accessible to us. The mysterious dark matter that consists of particles heavier than proton is invisible to us. It gives itself away when affected by gravitation.

A group of scientists from Oxford analyzed the behavior of the dark matter in small galaxies and massive galaxy accumulations. They discovered that the dark matter draws substance in smaller objects, which does not happen in large objects for some reason, although the dark matter should exist there in large quantities according to the analysis of objects' spinning.

Professor Silk assumes that at a distance of about a nanometer three additional space dimensions distort gravitational effects and influence the interaction between the dark matter and other substance. However, in large galaxy groups particles of the dark matter move at a higher speed than those in dwarf galaxies. They are also farther from each other, which makes the effect of additional three dimensions insignificant.

As far as the theory of super cords is concerned it relieves the theory of relativity of several contradictions, which Einstein himself acknowledged but could not solve the problem though. The theory of super cords predicts the existence of new particle – graviton – that is similar to light photon and helps to understand the mechanism of gravitation influence. To this day nobody has succeeded in measuring speed at which gravity works.

The speed of electromagnetic coupling can be calculated unlike that of gravitation. According to Isaac Newton if the Sun suddenly disappeared from the Solar system, the Earth would become free of gravitation at once and rush into space. Einstein's theory says that if the speed of light equaled the speed of gravitation the Earth would stay in orbit for 500 seconds, which are needed for light and gravitation to cover the distance between the Sun and the Earth.

The Universe with gravitons has more dimensions than the ordinary world. But these eight new dimensions are a hard nut to crack. Peeping from our three-dimensional world we cannot see what is happening in the bright 11-dimensional world. Nevertheless, gravitation and gravity work directly through these additional dimensions.

For peace of mind, it must be said that these additional dimensions are tiny. Thus, only two or three of them may have sizes suitable for us.


Sunday, June 21, 2009

Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself

Read Leviticus 19 -- 21

Again we hear the Lord speaking to Moses: Speak unto all the congregation of the children of Israel (19:2). Discern how Almighty God set up a social order for His people that would make a perfect world to live in. It is overwhelming to realize what a wise God we serve! Have you counted how many times that God reminds us: I am the Lord (the Self-Existent Creator God) just in today's Bible reading? Hallelujah -- HE IS THE LORD!

The Law and all the ordinances were given the nation of Israel as a means of revealing to the world the wisdom and loving kindness of our Heavenly Father. I am the Lord your God. . . . Therefore shall ye observe all My statutes . . . and do them: I am the Lord. . . . Sanctify yourselves therefore, and be ye holy (19:36-37; 20:7).

The instructions against fraud, hatred, an unforgiving attitude, and immorality, are summed up in one Commandment: Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself (19:18). Other Commandments call for reverence for parents and the aged and compassion for the suffering and the weak. All these reveal the loving concern of the Creator God who cares for all His people.

Love in the heart of God is the source of everything that is good (see Genesis 1:10,12,18,21,25). God saw every thing that He had made, and, behold, it was very good (1:31). His character of loving kindness should be expressed through His people. We are the means that God has chosen to express His love to the world. By this shall all men know that ye are My disciples, if ye have love one to another (John 13:35).

Most of us, somewhere along the way, have at times thought: "How can I possibly love some people I know -- that rude egotist down at the office who deliberately puts me down, or that smooth liar who has deceived me, or that onetime friend who took advantage of my trust?" And the list continues.

Any pagan can say: "I will do good to the person who is good to me." It takes a Christian who, from his heart, seeks to manifest the nature of Christ his Savior who has forgiven his sins and loves those we consider "unloveable." It is of utmost importance that we sincerely express His love and compassion without exception.

Be kindly affectioned one to another with brotherly love; in honour preferring one another (Romans 12:10).

Thought for Today:

How different would the world be if we really loved others like we do ourselves?

Christ Revealed:

As the source of true guidance, in contrast to evil guidance (Leviticus 20:6-8). Jesus, who is The Truth (John 14:6) also sent us the Spirit of Truth who guides us into all truth (16:13).


A key ingredient to entering Heaven

(Is to see through The Heart Instead of the Brain)
By Michael H. Brown

When you talk to folks who have had near-death experiences -- who claim to have glimpsed the "other side," who say they tasted eternity -- there's a common theme. They tell you that the Lord is most concerned with how much we have loved. That is where the evaluation -- the "judgment" -- takes place. He reads our hearts.

If you're a man, as I am, you may find this difficult. We've been taught to take a tough approach to everything -- and everyone. Before my conversion, to talk about love made me uncomfortable; it seemed less than manly.

That's the "worldly" view, and it is counter to Jesus. He is more concerned with what's in your heart than what's in your brain. And in eternity, we have the same heart we had here.

"We seem to think that death of the body means an entire change to the soul," notes one woman who had such an experience. "But this is not the case, by any means. We bring to [the afterlife] the same tastes, the same desires, and the same knowledge we had before death. If these were not sufficiently pure and good to form part of this life, then we ourselves may not enter."

Instead, there is purgatory. What is the standard? We have mentioned love. Also: purity. Our souls are transfigured into robes, and we don't stay in the Presence of God unless our souls are pure white. "If only we all could understand, as I said before, that we are building for eternity during our earthly life," says the woman, Rebecca Springer. "The purer the thoughts, the nobler the ambitions, the loftier the aspirations, the higher the rank we take among the hosts of Heaven."

This only makes sense. But what a challenge! The saying goes that the greatest distance is between the heart and the brain. It's not just a saying. There's a great divide between the two -- and when we let the brain gain predominance, when it becomes more important than the heart, when it is the main way we perceive the world -- we get into a world (and then an afterworld) of trouble.

Let's keep in mind that it is the Immaculate Heart of Mary and the Sacred Heart of Jesus (not the Sacred Brain). The mind is obviously a crucial place to store knowledge (and logic is important to functioning in the world), but many of the crises we see in the Church, in society, and in our personal lives -- and then in the afterlife -- stem from a worldly and overly "rationalistic" orientation.

We must view everyone and everything through the prism of the heart. For when we perceive solely with the brain, when we look at everyone too analytically, we start to look at them critically -- and once we're in a mode of criticality, our spirituality begins to fall apart.

The solution is not to become mindless, undiscerning, or irrational -- but to shift the center of perception to the chest. The famed German stigmatic Venerable Anne Catherine Emmerich called the heart her "organ of sight." It is the heart where we hear the voice of the angel. It is in the heart that God sends His gifts. It is the heart that binds us to the vine of Jesus.

When we perceive others with the heart, there is compassion, understanding, and the kind of love that Jesus exhorted us to have. St. Hildegarde informs us that "the soul dwells in the fortress of the heart," adding that it's "the fundamental part that governs the whole body" -- more important than the brain, she said, because in the wisdom of God it has the power to understand not only what is earthly, but also what is heavenly.

It is the ticket to eternity.

Having trouble liking someone? Being patient? Being kind?

Change your orientation.

Perceive with the heart.

Move your consciousness.

It's easier than you think.

Prayer brings you there -- and once you're there the universe opens up to beauties both here and hereafter.
